About Us

Who We Are

The Black Coalition Against COVID (BCAC) consists of two interrelated initiatives in service to our mission of providing trustworthy, reliable, and relatable information to minority communities on all aspects of the COVID pandemic and to support the provision of direct services in the Washington, D.C. region and nationally. Our work began on Easter Sunday 2020 with a multi-stakeholder Washington DC community engagement strategy that mobilized key social influencers from a variety of sub-populations including faith; labor; small business; community service organizations; musicians, poets, visual artists, and actors; medical; academic; returning incarcerated citizens; and others. From this local foundation, we established a national effort comprised by the Presidents/CEOs of our leading academic and medical organizations, and other key partners that include Howard University College of Medicine; Morehouse School of Medicine; Meharry Medical College; Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science; the National Medical Association; the W. Montague Cobb Institute of the NMA; the National Black Nurses Association; the National Urban League; and BlackDoctor.org.2

We understand our work as being aligned with the vision of “The Beloved Community” as expressed by Martin Luther King. We have an undying love for Black people, and through that compassion, we have a love for all people. We are focused on protecting the health of our communities during this pandemic and beyond. We commit to mobilizing our expertise, resources, and access to key partners so as to educate and simultaneously dispel misinformation; support proven COVID prevention recommendations including vaccination; and facilitate access to essential health-related services for vulnerable populations during this time of crisis.

A Love Letter from America’s Black Doctors and Nurses

The Black Coalition Against COVID is starting a national dialogue about COVID-19 through the launch of the Love Letter to Black America, from America’s Black Doctors and Nurses which is rooted in love of and for the Black community. This initiative is a collaboration with Howard University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Meharry Medical College, Charles Drew University, National Medical Association, National Black Nurses Association, and the National Urban League. Join the conversation on social with #ILoveUs.

The Black Coalition Against COVID

Meet Our Team

BCAC Is proud to work with these
valued Organizations

CO-Founding Partners

Other Partners

Partner With Us

Join the Coalition and help us provide trustworthy, reliable and relatable information to minority communities on all aspects of the COVID pandemic.

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